• Making a cake and eating it, too.

    My 8th grade algebra teacher once told my mother that he hoped I would pursue a career as a doctor or an architect or anything else that would require above average math skills.

    On the surface it would appear that I rejected his advice.

    But each time I mentally calculate what it will take to double a recipe or take measurements for an amateur sewing project I raise my metaphorical glass and toast the hobbies that make use of my admittedly below average math skills.

    Somewhere I hope Mr. Swiggart is smiling.

Four and a half minutes

  Today has been heavy. I felt the heaviness settle as soon as I learned the grand jury report on Michael Brown’s killing would be released. Just a short while later I learned a friend’s father had passed away suddenly. That’s a lot of sadness for one day. And I let myself feel the weight of … Continue reading

In her own words

Is it cheating to post a link to someone else’s blog as part of my 33 post goal? It probably is, but I’m going to do it anyway. My post cheating slippery slope began last weekend when I opted not to post on Saturday and Sunday, thus bringing my consecutive posts to a screeching halt after six … Continue reading

Exercising kindness, justice and righteousness

I love a good page-turner. Ben gave me Bryan Stevenson’s book, Just Mercy, as a gift for our third wedding anniversary last week. I finished it in two days. I discovered Mr. Stevenson’s TED talk a couple of months ago around the same time several people recommended the book The New Jim Crow to me. I suggest reading … Continue reading

Feast planning

The day after I was discharged from the hospital I decided to plan my portion of our Thanksgiving 2014 menu. We’re co-hosting a feast of epic proportions with our friends, The Fong family, at their home and we’re expecting a group of 25 InterVarsity staff and students to celebrate with us. I am so stinking … Continue reading

Bibimbap blues

“Could we collaborate on bibimbap for dinner on Friday night?” my neighbor asked earlier this week. We alternate houses for a weekly Friday night dinner as the kick-off to each of our family’s Saturday Sabbath rest. We’ve been doing this for a couple of months and it’s turned into a really enjoyable weekly ritual, complete … Continue reading

Be moved

I woke up with a cold. It’s been brewing for several days, but I hoped I could avoid it. Zeke had one last week. One of my housemates is still trying to get rid of hers. I’ve felt worse and worse as the day progressed. After getting a fews things done I realized I was … Continue reading

I like me

Before I was 30+ years of age I often heard people comment that one’s thirties are a time when many of us settle into our own skin. I wasn’t sure what this meant. But now that I have arrived at the very wise age of 33 I find myself resonating with those comments. I feel … Continue reading

Mistaken Identity

Today my neighbor and I took our children to the Oregon Zoo. We assumed the blustery weather would keep the masses away. We were wrong. It was cold and windy, but it was a beautifully clear day and I should know by now that no Portland resident worth their salt stays indoors when the sun … Continue reading

You’ve got my attention

Pain is supposed to get our attention. Ignoring it almost inevitably leads to further complications. I began to experience acute physical pain three weeks ago. Centered high in my abdomen it flared a couple of hours after each meal. After a sleepless night – I couldn’t find a comfortable sleeping position – the pain was … Continue reading


I enter my 33rd year this Wednesday. In honor of this somewhat auspicious occasion I have decided to take the next 33 days and dip my toe ever-so-tentatively into the blogging pool once more. (I’m looking at you, Jaime Wong.) My goal is to post each day for 33 consecutive days. So let it be … Continue reading